Santa Barbara Estate Tax Appraiser
Real estate appraisal for estate purposes are typical requested upon the death of a relative and the heirs are, typically at the bequest of an attorney or accountant, requesting a valuation of the real estate.
Santa Barbara Mixed-Use Property Appraiser
Santa Barbara Mixed-Use Appraisals: Usually this type of property consists of residential use with some type of commercial, typically office, medical or retail, but can include other types, and appraisals encompass a very specialized scope of work which includes appraisal of each specific use and concluding with a blended value.
Santa Barbara Divorce/Litigation Appraiser
Over 45 years of real estate appraisal services has included appraisal assignments involving matters of litigation. This type of appraisal service includes completing assignments for divorces, family disputes, partnership buy-outs, etc.
Santa Barbara Landscape Appraisers
Santa Barbara House Interiors Valuation
Santa Barbara House Appraiser
In over 45 years of real estate appraisal practice I have completed appraisal reports on thousands of single family residences. Appraisal assignments range all the way from one bedroom bungalow located in the downtown portion of the City of Santa Barbara to the multi-million dollar estates located in Montecito.
Santa Barbara Estate Valuation
Generally, the term "Estate" is applied to the most expensive housing market in Santa Barbara and on the south-coast. Over forty-five years of appraisal experience has included a large number of real estate appraisal assignments in this segment of the market.
Santa Barbara Condo/PUD Appraiser
Santa Barbara Condominium and Planned Unit Development (PUD) housing encompasses all price levels and in all neighborhoods of the county. These projects may or may not include common areas which can include a swimming pool, club house, tennis court, etc. or any combination thereof.
Santa Barbara Commercial Industrial Appraiser
Santa Barbara Commercial Industrial Appraiser David Jasso's experience in appraising commercial and industrial properties covers a wide range of investment type properties. These include retail space, office, industrial buildings as well as commercial condos of retail, office and industrial spaces.
Santa Barbara Apartment Appraiser
In over 45 years of experience as a real estate appraiser, I have appraised countless multi-family residential income properties ranging from duplexes to 50 plus unit complexes throughout the Santa Barbara area.